
Showing 1–12 of 1702 results

  • Questions for the MurshidQuestions for the Murshid on bookshelf

    Questions for the Murshid


    Questions for the Murshid is a collection of profound exchanges between seekers and Murshid F. A. Ali ElSenossi, a Shaykh of the Burhaniyya-Dasuqqiyya-Shadhuliyya Sufi Order. Questions from students, visitors and travellers over 40 years in the making. Many have been published in Australia’s first Sufi Magazine, The Treasure.

    Murshid F. A. Ali ElSenossi’s answers, rooted in the wisdom of Islam and the science of prophethood (‘ilm al-nabuwwa), provide clarity and guidance on the psychological and spiritual teachings of Sufism (tasawwuf). This book highlights the transformative power of questions with sincere and meaningful answers, offering inspiration for anyone seeking deeper understanding of the spiritual journey.

  • The Legend of Atlantis 2011. Eliah’s Prophecies on The Last Days


    This book contains the long-awaited message and prophecy as it has been expected a long time ago by the Initiates, and it explains the myth from the Dark Age to the Golden Age. It reveals a deep insight into mankind’s history and the secret education plan of the Invisible Masters of Shambhala and Agharta. It shows how a secret brotherhood from Atlantis for a long time has secretly influenced mankind up to this day.

  • Chinese Proverbs Illustrated


    Illustrated gift edition including Chinese proverbs in both Chinese and English in a traditional Chinese binding


    The sayings known as Cheng yu are used frequently in Chinese. Chinese Proverbs Illustrated features ovr 75 of the more than 5,000 Cheng yu, reproduced in a large format. Alongside each phrase is an accessible and inspiring explanation, its literal translation in English, and what the particular strokes symbolize.

  • The Maghazi of Sayyiduna Muhammad (saw). The Earliest Known Biography of the Messenger of Allah


    Until recently, no copies of The Maghāzī of Sayyidunā Muhammad ﷺ had been seen for over 400 years, and most scholars believed the text to be lost forever. Thus the good fortune of its reappearance cannot be overstated. The discovery of its manuscripts in the archives of the National Library of Tunisia is a significant event, the like of which the Ummah may not see again for many years, if ever. Ninety-one folios were found, which together contain approximately three-quarters of the original text. We hope that the remaining parts may be found soon.

    Renowned in his own time as a muhaddith and historian, Mūsā ibn ʿUqbah ranks as one of the first individuals to compile reports specifically related to the sīrah, the biography of the Prophet Muhammad . More significant, however, is the fact that his Maghāzī (Expeditions) was acclaimed by his contemporaries and by scholars of later generations, as the most authentic work of its genre. Those who praised him and affirmed his trustworthiness include Imam Malik, Imam al-Shafi’i, and Imam ibn Hanbal:

    “I recommend the Maghazi of the pious man Musa ibn ‘Uqbah because it is the most accurate of Maghazi works”
    — Imam Malik ibn Anas

    “There is none from the Maghazi genre that is more authentic than his book despite its shortness, and it is void of what is mostly mentioned in books other than his.”
    — Imam Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi’i

    “Hold tight to (Kitab) al-Maghazi by Ibn ‘Uqbah because he is absolutely trustworthy.”
    — Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

    “His trustworthiness is confirmed. And he narrated many ḥadīths.” 
    — Imām al-Dhahabī

    “[The scholars] agreed upon his trustworthiness. Both al-Bukhārī and Muslim narrated his ḥadīths.” “His trustworthiness is confirmed. He was one of the junior Tabi‘īn.” 
    — Imām al-Nawawī

    “He was a trustworthy jurist and authority in (the field of) Maghāzī.”
    — Imām Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī

    Following its completion, The Maghāzī of Sayyidunā Muhammad ﷺ served as an authoritative source for many later works on the life of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ.

  • Wisdom of the Prophets (Fusus al Hikam) paperback


    This is a translation of what is probably the most significant and influential of all Ibn ‘Arabi’s books. The work is beautifully written and the translation itself is as accurate and evocative as any we could imagine. ‘Arabi’s concept of a totally unified and unifying spiritual perspective is well expressed.

    Titus Burkhardt’s translation was intended as an introduction to the text, and it is probably still the best starting point there is, supported by footnotes which reflect his deep knowledge of the great spiritual traditions.

  • The Prophet


    Author: Kahlil Gibran Publisher: Arcturus Year: 2021 Pages: 160 Printed: China ISBN: 978-1-78404-645-3 Binding: Hard Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 600gr. Description from the publisher: With introduction by John Badock. Beautifully illustrated silbound hard cover edition.

  • Kama Oil – The original perfume oil


    Ingredients: Perfume – Bergamot, exotic spicy middle notes of cinnamon, cloves with rich floral notes of rose, geranium & tuberose. Base note is woody and balsamic with patchouli, vetiver & oakmoss. A beautiful warm relaxing scent that evokes good memories for many. 30ml bottle Authentic Kiwi Essence: Infused with woody base notes, patchouli, vetiver and oakmoss….

  • Hizbul Sayf – The Litany of the Sword New Hard Cover Edition

  • A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century – Shaykh Ahmad al Alawi – Islamic Texts


    Author: Martin Lings Publisher:  Islamic Texts Society Year: 1993-2012 re-print Pages: 242 Printed: UK Binding: Sof Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 360gr. Description from the publisher: Fairly often while I was talking quietly with the Shaykh, the name ‘Allah’ had cone to us form some remote corner of the zawiyah, uttered on one long drawn out…

  • Wild Yam Cream with Chaste Berry


    Nature’s Goodness Australia Wild Yam Cream with Chaste Tree Berry 100ml Benefits Rich in phyto-estrogens, each 1g contains 15% wild yam extract equivalent to 450mg fresh wild yam root. Specially formulated for sensitive skin using naturally-derived ingredients. No petro- chemicals. No synthetic colours or fragrances. No parabens. Directions Rotating the applications, apply 3-5g to stomach,…

  • Al-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyya: The Sublime Qualities of the Prophet


    415 Ahadith on the Beauty and Perfection of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may the salutations of Allah be upon him, and peace. Beautifully presented in Arabic and English with gold gilded edge and illuminating gold on each page.

  • Hizb ul Sayf – Arabic and English-Download


    The Hizbul Sayf forms part of the Burhaniyya Awrad. This long awaited Hizb has now been translated into English with line by line transliteration.

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