Al-Ghazali on Divine Predicates and Their Properties


Jacket cover torn at the top.

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Author: Abu Zayd, Abdu-r Rahman
Publisher: Kitab Bhavan
Year: 1994
Pages: 115
Printed: India
ISBN: 81-7151-190-2
Binding: Hard Cover
Book Condition: Aged – dust jacket wrinkled
Weight: 312gr.
Much of what is found in Islamic philosophical thinking expresses conceptions similar to those held by other religions. A historico-philosophical treatment of the problem of the divine predicates or attributes (sifat) would not be entirely complete, therefore, if it ignored the conceptions of these religions, especially given the contention that all the sects of Islam were influenced in this respect by Judaic and Christian thinking. Consideration of the issue of divine predicates in other religions, however must be left to subsequent studies.
In Islam, the question of the divine attributes has been treated from various perspectives. In the beginning it was viewed primarily as a semantic and metaphysical problem. A later introduction, its logical aspect, however, was its most important side. Our attempt, therefore, will treat the problem with this logical aspect predominantly. in mind. Since we are limited both by the scope of this work and by the task of bringing this vast material into reasonable compass, we would confine ourselves to the treatment of the problem as it unfolds in Islamic peripatetic thought, and the Ash’arite school, with Ghazali being the major representative’ of the latter. The validity of some of Ghazali’s statements in Iqtisad would be tested against the former schools and our, findings in Plato and Aristotle. Comparisons, made within the narrow limits we have set for this chapter, yield, we recognise, much’ discrepancy and even disharmony and contradiction, but we hope that the important doctrines will stand out clearly.

Weight .315 kg