The Manifesto of Islam


The present crisis in world affairs, threatening the total collapse of civilization and even the total extinction of the human race, is forcing mankind to search for a remedy. Of late their interest in religion has suddenly revived. Is religion, properly understood, the only refuge of mankind from these impending calamities? They are searching for an answer to this question.

On the other hand the Muslims are claiming openly and repeatedly before the whole world that Islam is the only ideology that can permanently unite the human race, establish a lasting peace on earth and carry man to that highest stage of his mental, moral, material and spiritual evolution of which there is a promise in the potentialities of his nature. This devolves upon the Muslims the responsibility to tell the world what Islam is, how it differs from other religions, what are the intellectual foundations of its claims, what are its aims and objects and how it intends to realize them.

The Manifesto of Islam is an endeavour to provide a brief answer to these questions.

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Author: Dr. Rafi-ud-din
Publisher: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf
Year: 1996
Pages: 183
Printed: Lahore Pakistan
ISBN: 969-432-018-6
Binding: Soft Cover
Book Condition: New
Weight: 175 gr.
Description from the publisher: The present crisis in world affairs, threatening the total collapse of civilization and even the total extinction of the human race, is forcing mankind to search for a remedy. Of late their interest in religion has suddenly revived. Is religion, properly understood, the only refuge of mankind from these impending calamities? They are searching for an answer to this question. On the other hand the Muslims are claiming openly and repeatedly before the whole world that Islam is the only ideology that can permanently unite the human race, establish a lasting peace on earth and carry man to that highest stage of his mental, moral, material and spiritual evolution of which there is a promise in the potentialities of his nature. This devolves upon the Muslims the responsibility to tell the world what Islam is, how it differs from other religions, what are the intellectual foundations of its claims, what are its aims and objects and how it intends to realize them. The Manifesto of Islam is an endeavour to provide a brief answer to these questions.

Weight 0.175 kg