Author: Muhammad Abul Quasem Publisher: Kutub Khan Ishayat al Islam
Pages: 121 Printed: India
Binding: Hard Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 261 gr. Description from the publisher: The Holy Our’an, the revealed Scripture of Islam, has been accepted, by nearly 2 billion human beings who call themselves Muslims, as God’s final message or revelation to mankind. The methods of reading this divine Book are not the same as those of reading other Scriptures or ordinary books. While numerous works have already been produced on various aspects of this sacred Scripture, no book dealing exclusively, elaborately and systematically with the methods of its recitation and related themes seems to have so far been written in the English language. The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur’an: al-Ghazali’s
Theory primarily aims at filling this gap.
This book presents the views of Imam al Ghazali-who is acclaimed by many in both East and West as the greatest authority of Islam after the prophet Muhammad – on the methods of Qur’an- recitation and its merit and excellence. In connection with these methods are set forth al-Ghazali’s views on certain other problems concerning the Qur’an – such as the purpose of its recitation, obstacles to its correct understanding, and its interpretation according to one’s personal opinion. Al-Ghazali’s views are based on the relevant teachings of the Qur’an and prophetic tradition and also on his own thoughts and experiences as well as those of his learned predecessors including the Prophet’s companions, saints and Sufis.
The book contains a profound knowledge of the subject and will prove useful to both scholars and general readers interested in Islam in general and in the Our’an and al-Ghazali in particular.
The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur’an – Al Ghazali’s t
Author: Muhammad Abul Quasem
Publisher: Kutub Khan Ishayat al Islam
Pages: 121
Printed: India
Binding: Hard Cover
Book Condition: New
Weight: 261 gr.
Description from the publisher: The Holy Our’an, the revealed Scripture of Islam, has been accepted, by nearly 2 billion human beings who call themselves Muslims, as God’s final message or revelation to mankind. The methods of reading this divine Book are not the same as those of reading other Scriptures or ordinary books. While numerous works have already been produced on various aspects of this sacred Scripture, no book dealing exclusively, elaborately and systematically with the methods of its recitation and related themes seems to have so far been written in the English language. The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur’an: al-Ghazali’s
Theory primarily aims at filling this gap.
This book presents the views of Imam al Ghazali-who is acclaimed by many in both East and West as the greatest authority of Islam after the prophet Muhammad – on the methods of Qur’an- recitation and its merit and excellence. In connection with these methods are set forth al-Ghazali’s views on certain other problems concerning the Qur’an – such as the purpose of its recitation, obstacles to its correct understanding, and its interpretation according to one’s personal opinion. Al-Ghazali’s views are based on the relevant teachings of the Qur’an and prophetic tradition and also on his own thoughts and experiences as well as those of his learned predecessors including the Prophet’s companions, saints and Sufis.
The book contains a profound knowledge of the subject and will prove useful to both scholars and general readers interested in Islam in general and in the Our’an and al-Ghazali in particular.
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