Who is the Sufi?/Wherever You are, death will overtake you
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Author: Murshid F. A. Ali ElSenossi
Producer: Almiraj Sufi & Islamic Study Centre, Inc.
Year: 2010
Format: PAL
Running time: 104min.
Weight: 95gr.
Description: Part of a new series of talks, this is a two disc set. The first, ‘Who is the Sufi?’ addresses many Western misconceptions about Sufism and the Sufis. Tasawwuf is definitely not a ‘New Age’ teaching, nor did it originate in the Eastern religions. Tasawwuf (or Sufism as it is known in the West) is well and truly grounded in the teaching of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings of Allah be upon him and peace) and forms the inner or mystical teachings of Islam. The second disc is a Friday Sermon -‘Wherever you are, death will overtake you’ and is based on the verse of the Holy Qura’n 4:78 (Surat an Nisa) The Sermon is in Arabic/English with English translations of the supplications and Qura’nic verses.
Chapter Menu:Disc One
1) The Problems facing humanity
2) Who is the Sufi?
3) The need for a teacher
4) Reviving the Sunnah
5) The Characteristics of the Sufi
Weight | .095 kg |