Author:Â Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib Translated by: Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi Publisher:Â Almiraj Sufi Press-July 2024 Pages:Â 83 Printed: Australia ISBN:Â 978-1-7636006-0-7 Binding: Hard Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 300gr. Description from the Publisher:Â Alhamdulillah! The long awaited English translation of the Hizbul Sayf (The Litany of the Sword) of Imam Ali has finally been completed. Formatted with the…
Spoken by: Murshid F. A. Ali ElSenossi Producer: Almiraj Sufi and Islamic Study Centre, Inc. Year: 2009 Weight: 120gr. Description: This CD is an audio recitation and instructions for use of the Awrad of the Tariqa and is an accompaniement to the Book of the Awrad. Track List: 1.Introduction 2. Al Fatihah 3. Al Asaas…
Hizb ul Mughni of Uways al Qarni. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of Volume 2 the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
You will receive a download link when payment is completed.
Hizb ul Mughni of Uways al Qarni. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of Volume 2 the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
You will receive a download link when payment is completed.
Khatm as Salah – The Seal of the Prayer. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
You will receive a download link when payment is completed.
Salat ul Dhaatil Muhammadiyyah. The Prayer of the Muhammad Essence of Shaykh Ibrahim al Dasuqi. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
Salat Ibn Basheesh or The Prayer of Ibn Basheesh by Shaykh ‘Abd as Salaam Ibn Basheesh. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
You will receive a download link when payment is completed.
Salat ul Dhaatil Muhammadiyyah. The Prayer of the Muhammad Essence of Shaykh Ibrahim al Dasuqi. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
You will receive a download link when payment is completed.
The Hizb ul Kabeer or The Greater Litany. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).
You will receive a link for download when payment is completed.
The Hizb ul Sagheer or The Lesser Litany. In Arabic/Transliteration/English.
This Hizb forms part of the Awrad of the Tariqa Burhaniyya-Dasuqiyya-Shadhuliyya.
The first volume of the Awrad which includes most of the Litanies is also available for purchase (see below).