Sufism (Tasawwuf)

Showing 25–36 of 92 results

  • Advice for Spiritual Travellers


    Author: Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam Publisher: JKN Publications Year: 2016 Pages: 38 Printed: UK ISBN: 978-1-909114-21-0 Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 100 gr. Description from the publisher: Spiritual cleanliness, also known as Tazkiyatun-Nafs, is considered central to knowledge enlightenment in all traditional Islamic seminaries. Spiritual cleanliness enables the heart to receive goodness, enhance…

  • The Inseparability of Sharia and Tariqa


    Author: Shaik al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhelwi Publisher: Madania Publications Year: 2011br> Pages: 220 Printed: USA ISBN: 978-1-936157-03-7 Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 400 gr. Description from the publisher: The Inseparability Of Shari’a & Tariqa – Islamic Law And Purification Of The Heart How did Islamic law develop? What are the Foundations of Islamic…

  • An introduction to the History of Sufism


    Pocket sized introduction to Sufism – from the work of Abdullah Suhrawardy.

  • A History Of Sufism In India Vol. One - Saiyid Athar Abbas RizviA History Of Sufism In India Vol Two- Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi

    A History of Sufism in India – Vol. 1 & 2


    This work seeks to study sufism as a psycho-historical phenomenon. The author finds it efficacious to combat social and political upheavals which are brought about by prolonged political revolutions, associated with autocratic oppression and economic deprivation. This first of two volumes outlines the history of sufism before it was firmly established in India and then goes on to discuss the principal trends in sufi developments therefrom the 13th to the beginning of the 16th centuries. The second of the two volumes starts with a brief discussion of the mystical philosophy of Ibn Arabi. The work then deals with the Qadiriyya, Shattariyya, Naqshbandiyya and the Chichtiyya orders. It also analyses the role of Indian sufis in the wider Islamic world.

  • The Reality of Spiritual Allegiance


    Author: Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Publisher: Kutubic Year: 2017 Pages: 43 Printed: Australia ISBN: 978-1999772000 Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 110gr. Description from the publisher: This work is a masterful analysis of the topic of pledging spiritual allegiance [bay‘ah] to a spiritual guide or mentor. Whilst oft misunderstood and misrepresented in our times,…

  • Pure Gold from the Words of Sayyidī ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Dabbāgh


    Author: Sayyidī ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Dabbāgh Translated by: John O’Kane and Bernd Radtke Publisher: Beacon Books Year: 2007/2017paperback Pages: 993 Printed: UK ISBN: 978-0-9954960-7-1 Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 1,500 gr. Description from the publisher: Around 1720 in Fez Aḥmad b. al-Mubārak al-Lamaṭī, a religious scholar, wrote down the words and teachings of the…

  • The School of Celestial Fire


    Author:Sheikh Abdullah Sirr-Dan Jamal Publisher:Impress Print Pages:289 Printed: Australia Binding: Soft Cover Book Condition: New Weight: 570 Description: Sufis are the Mystics of Islam, and the living tradition of Sufism is concerned with transmitting the knowledge of the eternal reality of the universe. Sheikh Abdullah Sirr-Dan Jamal, who taught in London in the late 20th…

  • Forty Narrations on Sufism


    The Kitab al Arba’in fil Tasawwuf of Abu Abd al Rahma al Sulami is a collection of forty Prophetic traditions on various aspects, precepts and practices of Sufism. The aim is to ground such aspects within the normative framework of imitatio propheti. This translation contains an introduction to the life of Sulami as well as an analysis of the text.

  • Oriental Mysticism


    To an elucidation of this system, and the technical terms employed therein, the following pages are devoted; but to avoid breaking the continuity of the account, I have endeavoured to present an epitome of the Oriental Mystic Philosophy from the point of view taken by the Mohammedan writers, from whom my information is chiefly derived. I must therefore premise that any dogmatical statements that may occur in the course of the work are not to be con­sidered as enunciations of my own opinion, but as an exposition of the views of those whose system I am attempting to expound.

    The first part will contain an explanation of, 1, The terms Traveller, Road, Inns or Stages, and Goal. 2, The words Law, Doctrine, Truth, and the Perfect Man, according to the Oriental definition of them. 3, What is meant by Fellowship, Renunciation, Attraction and Devotion.

    The second, the Sufiistic account of, 1, The Nature; 2, The Attributes; 3, The Works of God; 4, The Four Universal Sources.

    The third, a definition of, 1, The Saintly; 2, The Prophetic Office.

    The fourth, a dissertation on the Influence of Early Prejudice upon Belief.

    The fifth, the Study of Man.

    For the benefit of those who study oriental poetry I have added an Appendix, containing a glos­sary of allegorical and technical terms in use among the Sufiistic writers.

  • Sufi Parables


    People have different ideas about what their religious life should be.
    Some think that it should consist in the participation in rites and violence against other people.
    Others — the reasonable ones — understand that One Universal God (the Creator, the Primordial Consciousness), called Allah in Arabic, now (and not, for example, during the formation of Islam) wants from us, embodied people, quite the contrary. Namely, He wants everyone to perfect, to develop himself or herself as a soul.
    It is customary in Islam to denominate a war against people who are considered enemies as external jihad, while internal struggle against one’s own imperfections as internal jihad.
    Sufism — the main branch of Islam — is where the methods of internal jihad are practiced. You can read about this in the books such as Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present, Divine Parables, Book of the Warrior of the Spirit and in others. The parables published in this book are also dedicated to this theme.
    The true methodology of spiritual development taught to us by Allah is one for all people who seek the Path of spiritual perfection. Only the external forms of manifestation of religiosity are different. Yet they were created by people, and not by Allah, and do not relate directly to Him.
    This book will be useful to all those people who, in their personal evolutionary development, have become mature enough to practice internal jihad.

  • Advice for a Novice – Kitab al Wasiyya


    The Kitab al-Wasiyya of Abu 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami is an example of one of the Sufi advice literatures fro novices. It is a short work which contains exhortations from the Qur'an and the Prophetic Sunna related to a range of moral and social issues.

  • The Divine Opening


    A handbook on the rules and etiquettes of the Tariqa Tijaniyya.

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